À Cris Ouverts
"À Cris Ouverts"– title of the 6th edition of Les Ateliers de Rennes - Contemporary Art Biennale—sounds to the ear "or says" other than it reads: 'with wide open screams / or crisis / or verse / or green’. It aims to reflect on different ways of being by opening up and enacting distinct paths, not only through dissonance but also through contestation (and sometimes) through the break of meaning that happens with the embracing of the unknown.
Rather than having recourse to a structure where artworks should de facto fit into themes, the two appointed curators of this 6th edition—Étienne Bernard, Director of Passerelle Centre d’art contemporain, Brest, and Céline Kopp, Director of Triangle France, Marseille—intend to present a plurality of artistic practices that operate in the break of the systems that rule our contemporary societies.
To this end, this Biennale project aims to gather about thirty international artists who have been shaping different ways to inhabit the world, and who are reflecting on distinct imaginaries of a collective whole. The exhibitions will show large bodies of work and new commissions specifically produced for the occasion.
Keeping with the investigations carried out by the Biennale’s previous editions on the links between art and economy, the participating artists of this 6th edition are looking beyond the established principles of domestication in which the subordination and management of other subjectivities –human, non–human or post–human– have imposed themselves as the only way to secure value and inhabit the social and natural world.
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