Oswal Antiques

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Oswal Antiques

It has been a long journey for us at the Oswal's since our first fixed-price list was released in 2007 and we conducted our first auction in 2009. When we launched Oswal Auctions in 2009, we had a decade old experience of informally helping industry friends set up their own trade and motivating other collectors in the Indian Numismatic community to build their collections.

Today after conducting forty-odd auctions in near and far-off locations spread all over India, our approach to the business remains the same…. gaining trust and maintaining a long-term relationship with our numerous consignees and patrons all over India.

We became pioneers of numismatic e-business when we launched our e-business portal three years back. By launching our e-portal, we have successfully tapped the long-felt need to bring professionalism and privacy together on a single platform wherein our customers can add fine pieces to their collections without any hustle of face to face dealing. E-businesses, by their basic nature, are impersonal and lack ‘face-to-face’ interactions. However, our newly updated website has many interactive features that will overcome this shortcoming by giving you a chance to frequently interact with us via electronic media and get superior service from us.

Today the Indian Numismatic Industry is poised to take a gigantic leap in the near future with renewed collector interest in various coin types. This promises exponential growth for the industry and we are ready for this. We at Oswal Auctions recognize the fact that we can make the most of these gains by offering professional ‘Win-Win’ deals to our patrons and thereby create long term trust.

Keeping aforesaid in view, we promise to offer you a spectrum of genuine Indian coins from the ancient, medieval, and modern era, tokens, medals, and banknotes at all times and under all conditions.

I take this opportunity to invite you to be a part of our growth story at Oswal Auctions

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Member since 5 years ago
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