Delhi Collage of Art

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Delhi Collage of Art

The domain of art is ever fascinating. People come to this field with the aspiration of attaining money, fame, and self-satisfaction. This can be made possible only through excellent knowledge of art. Because it is only through knowledge that the genius have been able to prove themselves. This especially applies to areas that are performance-related, like music, dance sports or painting. Excellent performance in such fields is not dependent on degrees, but on the right knowledge and right knowledge can come only through a good teacher or a guru. This has been the rule of the world since eternity.

However, in this age of commercialization, education has become a status symbol. In such a scenario, ninety percent of the students today fail to choose the discipline of their choice, succumbing to societal pressure. A society that considers a degree as a prerequisite for a job or marriage will certainly fail to explain the presence of numerous unemployed, unmarried graduates! It merely shows the futility of joining the blind race of collecting degrees.

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