1839 Contemporary Gallery

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1839 Contemporary Gallery

What is 1839 Contemporary? It means from photography invention in 1839 to now. In order to have many people interest in photography, understanding, and appreciation of photographs, we are located in the home country (Taiwan) and connecting home and abroad photographic arts into global marketing.
1839 Contemporary gallery was established in April 2009, we develop a reputation for playing a leading role in the field of photography.

Seek to provide direction on the future of photographic art and to pursue new ideas through holding unique exhibitions;
Pursue to better satisfy cultural art fans and to contribute to spreading artistic culture through various education programs related to cultural art;
Participate in art fairs held at home and abroad, and takes interest in promoting artists and facilitating the art market through various exhibitions;
Aims to promote Taiwan Photo Art through exchanges with renowned galleries and photographers worldwide, and to open doors to foreign artists through programs.
As a comprehensive art consulting provider, 1839 Contemporary Gallery aims to provide beneficial and educational cultural art services in a globalized cultural environment based on a corporate and cultural network.

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